Friday, October 2, 2009

Aggies, weddings, and the flu

Since I last posted, college football started. We have been to two Aggie football games so far. Hayden stayed at BB and DD's with her cousin, Maddie for the first game. They had a lot of fun. Hay didn't know what to do with their big dog, Cocoa. Our animals don't get quite that close.
Hay Hay and Mommy before heading to DD and BB's

Gig em Aggies

Cocoa tasting Hayden

"I love my big cousin!"

After dropping Hayden off, driving to College Station, watching half of the game and many, many drinks later Chip thought it would be a good idea to get in a foot race. Since he was wearing flip flops, he thought it better to just wear no shoes. On your mark, get set, go... Chip, Steve, and Andy take off through the parking lot at Kyle Field. It did not end well for Chip. He somehow took a nasty fall. I am pretty sure something jumped up and tripped him while everyone was blinking all at the same time :) I didn't turn around quick enough to catch the fall on film, but you can hear Missy scream and Chip say something when he falls. Good thing he had been drinking to endure the pain that night. The next day (and for many weeks to come) he was not so lucky!

In between games we went to Austin for my sister, Ashley's wedding. It was a blast! Congrats to the Rundalls! Hayden is ready for a cousin on her mommy's side now :) And Hay was the cutest little flower baby! Would you believe that I did not take a single picture? I know I am a bad mom! Here is pic of her at the rehearsal!

Less than two weeks later Hayden got the flu! It was the worst thing that Chip and I have ever been through. Watching your little baby suffer and just cry and look at you like, "Why aren't you helping me feel better?" Luckily, we took her to the doc early on and found Tamiflu and got her well in 6 days. I thought I knew sleep deprived... now, I do!
Poor sick baby! Still trying to smile with a 103.2 temp

Then, we had another wedding. Hay Hay sat this one out with her Grandma. Chip and I had a great time at this one too! Congrats Brittany and Kirk!

Silly Girls

Tough guys

End of the night

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